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Back from hiatus :)

Heey all.

We’re back from our summer hiatus but we are still catching up on everything. Checking out the new tv season and our cap schedule etc.. But we’re already slowly updating our (current and some new) caps and shows again. We already started with the new Lord Of The Ring; Rings Of Power series. Have you seen it yet?

Many more caps coming soon too.
– Ms Marvel
– American Horror Stories
– The Winchesters

Stay tuned!
x Nutty Fam


Filed under Site site news

Summer hiatus! 🌞👋

Hello Nutties. We’re going on a summer hiatus. Recharging our energy, getting our vitamins B and just enjoying our summer overall.
Our Nutties home will be unoccupied and all HOTN related questions etc will be answered when we get back. That will be when tv season returns (september-ish?)

We’re looking for new Nutties too. As we are currently with only 2 active left. A link will be added later this week. Do apply if you want to join our capping fam 🙂

Hope you all have a wonderful and safe summer. See you soon! 😄

Nutty Family