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Home Of The Nutty 10th Anniversary!!!

Happy 10th anniversary Home Of The Nutty!!

We can’t believe we made it to 10 years. With the many domains changes, Nutties retiring, losing screencaps. But we made it!
All thanks to you all of you guys. Thanks for all the amazing support, love, feedback and the donations throughout the years 🙂
We hope we can go for another 10 together nutties!!  And aim to be a great resource site for your favorite screencaps.

Let’s celebrate with sharing your favorite screencaps, artwork and more. CHEERS!!!

Much much love,

The Nutty Family

Filed under Site

Site news + donation

Hi Nutties,

first of all, best wishes to the new year. We hope 2017 will bring you all happiness, luck and good health.
On to the site news. As you may have noticed the slowness/downtime of our site was absolutely terrible for the past few months. Especially for us cappers, who had to re-upload the screencaps multiple times because of the site going down. Not so much fun! The main problem is that we keep going over our server limit, the site traffic we are having and the amount of screencaps going up.
That’s what happen when your site is almost 10 years old. (It’s this March! YAY! Will you join our nutty party??)
We’re trying to get Home Of The Nutty back as it was before. Faster loading, no more downtime and more updates as we can. To get to this, we have to expand our server and increase our hosting costs. So we are asking for a little donation. We are aiming for an extra of $30 a month.
We understand that not everyone can afford to donate, but we sincerely appreciate any support we can get. You can use the donate button on the right, or use this link below.

Thanks again. Thanks for all the amazing support you guys have been giving us for the past few years. The beautiful things you do with our screencaps. For art, references, recaps, review sites etc. (You can #homeofthenutty, we like to check out your work!) On to many more NUTTY years with us!

(btw, we still need nutty cappers, feel free to apply!)

Much love,
The Nutty Team

Donations received!
Thank you to:
Marguerite P
Adrian B

Filed under Site

Welcome to the New and Improved Home of the Nutty!

Hello everyone! This is Holly, one of the nutties here at the site. I am proud to unveil to you, offically, the new and improved website to you all! The tv and movie gallery pages have been completely redone for easy navigating and we have added a what’s coming page to HOTN. This theme is also mobile friendly so you can view us from your phone or ipad/kindle/etc. We’ll also be posting our updates here as well as our livejournal to keep the main page growing as well.

I hope you all enjoy the new look and if you have any questions, please feel free to comment or hit us up on twitter or tumblr!

Filed under Caps Site


Castle 7.03 Clear and Present Danger
Chicago Fire 3.02 Wow Me
Chicago Fire 3.03 Just Drive The Truck
Chicago Fire 3.04 Apologies Are Dangerou
Chicago Fire 3.05 The Nuclear Option
*NEW* Gotham 1.02 Selina Kyle
*NEW* Gotham 1.03 The Balloonman
*NEW* Gotham 1.04 Arkam
*NEW* Gotham 1.05 Viper
Nashville 3.01 That’s Me Without You
Nashville 3.02 How Far Down Can I Go
Nashville 3.03 I Can’t Get Over You to Save My Life
Nashville 3.04 I Feel Sorry for Me
Nashville 3.05 Road Happy
Sleepy Hollow 2.01 This Is War
Sleepy Hollow 2.o2 Kindred
Sleepy Hollow 2.03 Root of All Evil
Sleepy Hollow 2.04 Go Where I Send Thee…
Sleepy Hollow 2.05 Weeping Lady
Supernatural 10.02 Reichenbach
Supernatural 10.03 Soul Survivor
*NEW* Stalker 1.01 Pilot
*NEW* Stalker 1.02 Whatever Happened to Baby James?
*NEW* Stalker 1.03 Manhunt
*NEW* The Flash 1.01 City of Heroes
*NEW* The Flash 1.02 Fastest Man Alive
*NEW* The Flash 1.03 Things You Can’t Outrun
The Originals 2.01 Rebirth
The Originals 2.02 Alive and Kicking
The Originals 2.03 Every Mother’s Son
The Vampire Diaries 6.03 Welcome to Paradise
The Vampire Diaries 6.04 Black Hole Sun

Any (new) shows you like us to cap?
PS. And a happy halloween! 🙂

Filed under Caps Site

Hello nutties and hello tv season!

A big thanks to the donators for helping with our domain costs. You guys are awesome! <3

A new nutty year and a new tv season has arrived. We also have some new shows moving into our home and they will be added to the galleries soon.

On to the caps updates:
Castle 7.01 Driven
Castle 7.02 Montreal
Chicago Fire 3.01 Always
*NEW* Gotham 1.01 Pilot
Greys Anatomy 11.01 I Must Have Lost it on the Wind
Greys Anatomy 11.02 Puzzle With a Piece Missing
Greys Anatomy 11.03 Got to Be Real
New Girl 4.01 The Last Wedding
New Girl 4.02 Dice
New Girl 4.03 Julie Berkman’s Older Sister
Sleepy Hollow 2.01 This Is War
Supernatural 10.01 Black
Supernatural S10 Sneakpeek
Supernatural S10 Title Card
The Vampire Diaries 6.01 I’ll Remember
The Vampire Diaries 6.02 Yellow Ledbetter

Any shows you enjoy so far?

Filed under Site

Hello Hello

Why hello nutties. Did you miss our updates?

I (soopie) been on a summer break and I slowly am back to capping again. Although there weren’t any real update posts but Nutty Holly capped a lot behind the scenes. Did you know she’s trying to catch up with Teen Wolf? S4 is currently in progress. Make sure to visit that gallery.

gal2a1 a2


We are also trying to catch up with all other shows and movies too. And we are still, yes, still, are looking for new cappers. Those that applied in the past keep backing out once they got accepted, so that leaves us with no new nutties. APPLY APPLY APPLY. We want to get everything ready before the new tv season is going to start.


Hope you enjoy your summer and get ready for awesome caps updates 🙂
Yours nutty family