23 Comments on “New shows/caps?

    1. Hi Bailee! Reign was my top choice to cap but I wasn’t sure anyone would be interested due to the ratings of the show so far (but I do love it very much!)- I think Reign will be added anyway, no worries 😉

      1. Please cap The Carrie Diaries it would be so helpful!!! Thank you and love your website it really helps me a ton!

  1. I would first like to thank you for ALL of your hard work. This is an amazing resource for artists like myself. Next, I would like to make a few requests if I may: Xena, Farscape, Buffy & Star Wars. Once agin I would like to thank you for the amazing screen captures. Kevin

  2. Could you cap the movie ‘Keith’. The movie is perfect and I’ve seen a couple of keith accounts that would love the caps but can’t find any.

    Consider it?
    Thank you!!

  3. It would be so awesome if you guys could cap Skins (UK), especially the first two seasons! I’ve been looking for logoless caps for it forever and I can’t seem to find any good ones.

    Thank you, y’all are absolutely fantastic!

  4. Could you also post screencaps of Doctor Who and BBC Sherlock? I’m a great fan of both series.
    It would be okay if it would be a bit slow in updates since there are already more than 90 episodes of DW already from 2005 and I think almost 13 1/2 hours in the three series of Sherlock, but I’d be really grateful if you did.

  5. This is probably really unpopular but caps of Chicago Fire and Chicago PD would be really helpful! 🙂

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