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Home Of The Nutty is officially back! ❤️

Nutties….Home Of The Nutty is officially back! ❤️

Just like that, we’re 100% done with having everything back up. We have been slowly opening galleries for the past few weeks and now we’re done! It was a stressfull 2 months but we did it!! 😀
Sadly, some screencaps/episodes were lost during the move, so they will be recapped somewhere in the future. In case you were wondering what happened to the missing albums.

The TV and Movies page have been updated too. All links should work correctly and refers to the right album/gallery. If you have bookmarked some galleries/albums in the past, do check if its changed to a new link. Because we have moved some shows and movies to its new gallery.

TV shows list >
Movies list >

We hope that our new webhost will be our forever home and that we won’t get into any more problems like the old host. And that something like this won’t ever happen again. So far the site been working great. *fingers crossed*

We’re just happy that we’re back. No more stress and burden. We can now go back to screencaps updates 😀Thanks for all the support and love you have been giving us. It means a lot and motivates us to keep going ❤️❤️❤️

Home Of The Nutty family, always!


Nutty Fam ❤️