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Update about HOTN + New layoiy

Hi there,

just wanted to update you guys and makes things straight. Lots of people been “bugging” us about our slow caps/ not updated caps.
We started this site when we were in school and in our younger years. It’s been like 5 years later and things has changed.
Most of us are working now, which means we don’t have that much time to cap anything. We try to cap these in our free little time.

So most of you are asking why we don’t add any more cappers to our Nutty family?
1. This site started as a family site with people we know.
2. It’s because this site isn’t a cap storage site. We don’t want to cap too many things. Everything will be too clustered. More caps = more costs to the site.
3. We are very picky with our caps. There are lots of cap sites out there nowadays. But either their caps are too little/too many, not sorted, no quality.
We, nutties, are having the same cap style.

Then comes the requests part. The main reason is, we just don’t have the time! If we are already slow with the current caps, how much slower will we be when we add more shows to the site?
We are also one of the few cappers out there that actually sort the caps, instead of just auto-capping and post it. It takes time to sort all these caps and to recap certain scenes.
And even if you do request something make sure it is not in DVD quality. We only provide HD/BluRay caps.

There are times that we are losing interests, thats what 5 years of capping do. But we’re still hanging there for now
Just please be patient, the caps will be up eventually. We are just not that “nutty” as we were before.


PS. New layout featuring the lovely Gilmore Girls 🙂

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Awesome nutties!!

Wow, I never thought we could have reach our goal so fast in just a week!
We would like to thank these 7 awesome nutties for their kindness and generosity.

– Rebecca, USA
– Barbara, Austria
– Renae, Australia
– Vicky, USA
– Barbara, USA
– Ellen, Belgium (A biiig thank you!!)
– Harue, Brazil

We couldn’t have done it without you guys!! And I’m sure that all the nutties around the world would appreciate it too.

Big hugs from the nutty crew 🙂

PS.Everybody ready for the new tv season? It’s going to be a promising year with lots of new tvshows and seasons. And sadly season finales too.

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Donations needed.

Home Of The Nutty needs your help to stay alive. We are another year further and we have grown bigger. Which means we are using much diskspace.
We are currently using a private dedicated server at dreamhost. Besides the yearly hosting costs, we also have to pay monthly for the server costs.
We’ve set up a donation bar. We hope everyone can help us out a bit, every amount is appreciated 🙂

x Nutty

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Hi nutties!

Hi there nutties,
how is everybody doing? I hope you all had a wonderful summer. September is nearby, which means we say goodbye to the summer shows and hello to the fall shows. So many new shows are airing this year! Is there any show(s) you guys looking forward to? Which show(s) do you think we might consider to cap?

Question for you all. Since we are usually slow with capping and we don’t cap that many as other screencap sites.
What makes you nutties actually come back to HOMEOFTHENUTTY?

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Update about the status of HOTN.

Since many nutties were asking the same things over and over again, I just needed to make a post to clear things up.

1. Regarding The Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl and Game Of Thrones caps, there won’t be any updates until mid or end June. Janine, who’s in charge of these shows is currently on a holiday.

2. Regarding The Secret Circle, Glee, etc. And any other shows that are in charge by Holly, will not be updated the upcoming weeks. Personal reasons. Please respect her wishes.
Me (soopie) will try to help out with Glee.

3. Regarding Private Caps, I will get back to you all asap. Sorry for the delay.

4. Regarding requests in the tag-board, eventhough we stated that there are no requests allowed. People seems to request movies that are currently in the cinema. Do please tell us HOW we can cap those? I am curious myself too.

All in all, it’s been a busy period for all of us and I hope things will be back to normal soon. We’ve been capping for 5 years straight and I think this is the first time we have been off the hook.
So thanks everybody for understanding.

See you on the next update. (Summer shows are coming soon!)

x. Nutty Soop


Ps. DO check out the Sci-Fi gallery. All shows which has a supernatural/fantasy theme are uploaded there, since people were asking if we cap Teen Wolf and Once Upon A Time.